
Training: online course on the health and vitality of wetlands in West Africa

Who is this course for?

The course is for those who are new to working in a wetland related role, or may have little theoretical education in wetland management.

You may be working or volunteering for an NGO, a government organisation, an academic institution, a private company, or a community group. We ask that participants are age 21 or over, with some existing background knowledge in a relevant field.

For this West Africa course, we will be accepting participants from Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone and Cape Verde.

What to expect

This is a fully online course with pre-recorded videos available to participants.

This course will equip you with the key theory and essential skills to feel confident in understanding wetland management characteristics and strategies. It brings together expert knowledge and experience from across the world, and will be delivered in an engaging and varied way.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes include being able to: identify and explain key forms of wetland management practice; discuss and evaluate the ecological functions of named wetlands; outline and explain relevant programmes, policies or agreements (e.g. Ramsar) specific to wetland management; critically analyse future issues relating to wetlands within the scope of human, biodiversity and environmental needs.

Course entry requirements

To be accepted on the course, you will need to already be working (either paid or unpaid) in a wetland-related role, and be able to commit to 14 weeks at around 2-3 hours study per week. You will need an Internet connection but we don’t require you to be online at any specific time. In order to receive the certificate of course completion, you must watch all online lessons, complete the student activities, and successfully pass a multiple choice quiz for each module.

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