
RESILAO project: applications for the first call for projects are now open!

The first call for projects for sustainable and resilient coastal ecosystems and a social and inclusive blue economy as part of the RESILAO project is launched.

The RESILAO regional project aims to promote the scaling-up of successful conservation and/or development projects at regional level by disseminating best practice and supporting local initiatives so that a multitude of levers can be activated in a coordinated manner to produce far-reaching and sustainable effects.

This project implemented by the Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa (PRCM) is supported by the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), the WACA/World Bank Program and other partners.

With this first call for projects, the PRCM aims to finance innovative local initiatives in the field of community resilience and coastal ecosystems, selected in 4 countries: Mauritania, Senegal, Cabo Verde and Guinea.

The projects must contribute to one or more of the RESIALO project’s thematic areas. The projects selected will be eligible for funding of between €50,000 and €150,000 for an implementation period of between 18 and 24 months.

This call for projects mainly concerns actors or consortia of actors with proven expertise and credibility in biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration and the blue and solidarity economy, who are established and legitimate in the areas concerned.

If you are an NGO, a professional association, a community-based organisation, an MPA management organisation, a research centre, a local authority or a private entity working in the field covered by this call for projects, please submit your application before 23 August 2023.

Check the eligibility conditions on the project website in the session “Project submission space”. Download the rules for the call for projects and the project concept form. Then submit your project online in the dedicated space, following the instructions given on the web page.

For any further information, please write to us at the following e-mail address

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