
Recruitment: Youssouf H. CAMARA, new Coordinator of the RESILAO Regional Project

The Executive Management of the PRCM is pleased to announce that Mr. Youssouf H. CAMARA has been recruited as Coordinator of the Regional RESILAO Project – Coastal Resilience in West Africa and has taken up his duties on January 16, 2023.

Mr. Camara will work from the PRCM headquarters in Dakar, Senegal and will ensure the overall coordination of the project and contribute to the visibility of its results.

Mr. Youssouf Camara is a Halieute by training and holds a diploma in project management with more than 20 years of experience in the field of fisheries resources assessment and management.

He previously worked as the National Coordinator of the West African Regional Fisheries Project (WARP) in Guinea since 2015 where he was actively involved in the implementation of several national and regional projects including, the Guinea Ecological Fisheries Project (GEP), the Fisheries Information and Analysis System (SIAP) project, the Governance, Maritime Resource Management Policies and Poverty Reduction in the WAMER Ecoregion project, to name a few.

Mr. Camara is passionate about nature, especially aquatic life.

As a reminder, the RESILAO project is co-financed by the Fonds Français pour l’Environnement mondial FFEM and the World Bank through the WACA project. It aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and communities in the face of rapid changes in the West African coastal zone by consolidating and scaling up conservation efforts and by promoting a regional dynamic of solidarity development based on a sustainable blue economy.

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