
Edito Ahmed Senhoury, Executive Director

Dear partners and readers,

After a brief summer break, we are starting the new season with enthusiasm. We have just completed the first nine months of the year. The past few months have been both challenging and exhilarating for us. PRCM has been actively implementing its various action plans on all fronts, while maintaining its usual dynamism and flexibility with its partners.

Boosted by this experience, we are delighted to announce that PRCM will be actively involved in the organizing of IMPAC 6 to be held for the first time in Africa, in Senegal, in 2027.

Meanwhile, PRCM is pursuing its activities with determination, in particular with the RESILAO Project, the first results of which are beginning to emerge, and the Blue Bijagos Project in Guinea-Bissau, which is arousing more and more hopes among the local populations. You can find out more by reading the rest of this issue, which also highlights the initiatives of our partners.

I wish you a pleasant read and a smooth return to your activities, hoping you had the chance to recharge during your vacation.

Ahmed Senhoury, PRCM Executive Director

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